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Cherton’s 360o Marketing

Cherton Media is elated to announce the arrival of a new marketing strategy called 360-degree marketing. We named it so because it provides a Comprehensive Strategy and Guidance to clients regardless of their budget, earlier mistakes, and suits everyone’s requirements.

Need for Marketing

In a highly competitive market like blockchain, marketing becomes essential because every other product or service is a bit better than the others. In economics, it is called a situation of perfect competition. Here many firms are able to create the product, many buyers are able to buy the product and many sellers are able to sell the product.

Hence, only a proper and well-calibrated marketing strategy can address these issues. A well thought and planned marketing not only makes your product stand out but also generates trust among consumers.

Why an All-Rounder?

Marketing Specialization is helpful when there are niches and each niche has a limited number of competitors. In the world of cryptocurrencies, there are only a limited number of niches such as:

  • NFT
  • DeFi
  • Metaverse
  • Gaming 
  • Tokens and Coins

 And a few others.

These limited number of services are provided by thousands of companies that are competing worldwide. Hence, a marketing agency that has the expertise, as well as the experience, becomes essential. Expertise helps you devise new strategies whereas experience checks the mistakes in those strategies.

Need for Optimization

The need for optimization arises from the fact that sole dependence on any marketing strategy, be it PPC marketing, display advertising, search engine marketing, etc., would not yield good results despite huge expenditures. The reasons for these are:

  • Display Advertising targets casual surfers.
  • Search Advertising targets only a limited number of searchers.
  • PPC Marketing Yields very low traffic.

Further, there are many platforms that specialize in these fields:

  • Facebook is good for display marketing.
  • Google is well suited to search marketing.
  • Youtube too is good for displaying videos.
  • Blogs are good for PPC marketing.

Choosing any single field over the others would mean that you are willingly letting potential customers go. For business advertising, search marketing is preferred but think of customers who might need your products or services but are not actively searching for them. Hence,  using a combination of strategies is always preferred.

Perfect Combination of Experience and Expertise

Cherton with its experience and dedicated team of professionals helps you build a strategy that is not only within a reasonable budget but also gives you the widest range of reach that is available as per your choices and budget. 

Cherton, despite its young age, has successfully completed:

  • More than 30 Projects
  • 1.2 Million Ad impressions.
  • Helped 20 Domains achieve desired targets.
  • And tended to Projects over 25 Nations.

Cherton’s services are not only value-driven but also result-oriented. 

Free Consultation

We place your interests before ours. Hence, we have come up with a unique free consultation program. This has dual benefits. It is a win-win situation for us both.

  • Allows us to understand your requirements before offering our services.
  • Allows you to get satisfied before making any kind of payment.

Hence, we encourage you to contact us so that we can help each other understand better and foster a business relationship stronger than you have ever imagined.

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Cherton Media is a one stop marketing studio consisting of Blockchain and Crypto Market SMEs, Strategists, Thought leaders and Creative Designers working collectively to establish your Idea into Brand,, thereby making you emerge as the Unicorn of your Domain.

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